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Archive for the ‘events’ tag

Have A Very Merry Christmas & A Super New Year!

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Tis the season once again. Family, friends, food & facetime…the four F’s of Christmas. I also think it’s the one season in which social networks are unable to fill the relational void they fill the rest of the year. Nothing can truly replace facetime. That’s why people travel so much at this time of the year and airline ticket prices are at their most expensive.

Merry Christmas!

Make 'face-time' part of your holiday

As we go into 2011, businesses will move from social business experimentation to social business strategy in a bid to mainstream the social web into business operations. But let’s not forget that family, friends and food need facetime to grow. Take your online communities and create offline opportunities for them to strengthen their ties.

We hope to see more of you in offline events in 2011 than ever before.

Have yourself a very merry Christmas and a radically better 2011.

Written by Semacraft Team

December 24th, 2010 at 1:56 pm


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