Archive for the ‘Strategy’ Category
Social Experiments: 3 Thoughts On Dipping Your Toes Into The Deep.
Starting a new project can be daunting. The scale of the project is not always what is most daunting but the scale of management’s expectations, or even your own. Social networks have become the foreign lands every brand feels the need to setup an embassy. But how much investment is needed? How do we measure this new thing? Does it have an ROI? What if it fails? These questions, and more, keep many brand profiles on social networks at the experimentation stage for long periods of time. So the young chap who spends inordinately long hours of Facebook gets the job of setting up and managing the profiles and is then left to his devices.
TweetBe Increasingly Accessible or Increasingly Irrelevant
Speaking at a conference in Switzerland in September of 2000, Doc Searls commented that “The most important market place in the history of civilization is designed to value the man on the street. The individual human being.” See the speech here.
In our approach to Social CRM, are we thinking of customers as individual human beings. Are we showing them how much we value them or are we using social technology to treat them like targets? It may be important to determine this early because whilst talking to human beings is normal, talking to targets is just plain weird.
TweetCreating Better Harmony With Social CRM
Customers are having authentic and meaningful conversations with each other, in spite of the ambient noise and the ever increasing signal to noise ratio. Staff are having authentic and meaningful conversations with each other too via the intranet, instant messaging and post-it notes. Customers are staff and staff are customers. The wall that separated them is subverted by the click of the mouse.
TweetSurviving A Social Disaster
As a follow-up to our post on what to do when your profiles are hijacked, we were working on a post about surviving social media disasters.
And then we saw this article on Mashable. Go ahead, click here to read it. We couldn’t have said it better 🙂
Customer Engagement: Is the brand engaging back?
Listening and engagement. Very common terms in the ‘sociosphere’. We may have gotten listening right for the most part but engagement still has a ways to go. Unlike listening, real engagement seems to mean different things to different people making measurement all that more difficult. And probably futile. I do stand to be corrected on that though.