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Archive for the ‘brand’ tag

Social Experiments: 3 Thoughts On Dipping Your Toes Into The Deep.

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Starting a new project can be daunting. The scale of the project is not always what is most daunting but the scale of management’s expectations, or even your own. Social networks have become the foreign lands every brand feels the need to setup an embassy. But how much investment is needed? How do we measure this new thing? Does it have an ROI? What if it fails? These questions, and more, keep many brand profiles on social networks at the experimentation stage for long periods of time. So the young chap who spends inordinately long hours of Facebook gets the job of setting up and managing the profiles and is then left to his devices.

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Written by Muchiri Nyaggah

October 4th, 2010 at 11:14 pm

Why Brands Should Put Their Money Where Their Mouth’s Are.

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I heard this statement recently. “The first level of care is showing interest“. Ergo the first step for a business providing online customer care is to show interest in its customers. The very first way a brand can show interest in its customers is by showing interest in the ideas it’s customers are talking about. What does this look like? Responding to comments on your blog, responding to tweets, providing input on industry discussion lists, reaching out to grieved clients via email…get the picture? But that’s only the beginning.

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Written by Muchiri Nyaggah

September 16th, 2010 at 5:33 am

The Achilles Heel in Corporate Social Media Strategies.

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I had a conversation with a client who was looking to roll out a social media campaign recently. They seemed to have all their bases covered. They had formal authority from management, great sources for content, a team of creatives working on copy and graphics, a monitoring platform…I was quite impressed.

And then I asked, ‘What happens if your Twitter account is hacked and porn related tweets are sent to you 20,000+ followers?’

There was dead silence.

It was only then that I realized how much even we had failed to emphasize this aspect of online security adequately in the recent past.

Do you know what you would do? Does your organization have a policy on how to respond to this type of situations?

Let us know what your Plan A is.

Watch this blog for a social media crisis response strategy uploading real soon.

Written by Muchiri Nyaggah

July 15th, 2010 at 1:37 pm

Is your brand ‘socially’ relevant?

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Is your brand relevant?

If you’ve been in business a while, it probably is. Otherwise you’d have folded long ago. Now your brand wants to be ‘social’ and blog, tweet and get a Facebook page or YouTube channel. This is now publishing territory. Are you publishing relevant content? Is it all about your product and your brand/business? If you consider the fact that building significant loyal traffic to a blog can take 2 years, is there enough talk about yourself to keep me reading your blog for two whole years?! Read the rest of this entry »

Written by Muchiri Nyaggah

April 27th, 2010 at 3:55 pm

Can You Work For Free?

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Work for free.  It’s a radical concept isn’t it? I posed the question to friend of mine a few hours ago. It was clear by the look on their face that they thought it was an incredulous idea. “Impossible!”, they said.

I’ll put the question to you a little differently.  If all your bills were paid, would you still do what you do? Would your business still go about it’s business the same way? Would you tweet the same stuff? Post the same Facebook updates? Read the rest of this entry »

Written by Muchiri Nyaggah

April 20th, 2010 at 12:57 pm


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