Archive for the ‘nestle’ tag
Why Brands Should Put Their Money Where Their Mouth’s Are.
I heard this statement recently. “The first level of care is showing interest“. Ergo the first step for a business providing online customer care is to show interest in its customers. The very first way a brand can show interest in its customers is by showing interest in the ideas it’s customers are talking about. What does this look like? Responding to comments on your blog, responding to tweets, providing input on industry discussion lists, reaching out to grieved clients via email…get the picture? But that’s only the beginning.
TweetNestle’s Facebook-YouTube-Greenpeace Fiasco – The Lesson for Business
‘…and we can get you on Facebook because social media is big right now!’
That’s some scary advise. But many organisations hear it all the time from their agencies when talking about marketing or website design. No strategy, no governance, just multiple channels where the staff can put out great information about the company and its products. Yippee!
Balderdash! I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what happened at Nestlé, although I choose to believe they went about it a bit more deliberately (being a multi-national and all). The signs are there to show they have issues with their web governance structures. When their Facebook admin took on some fans in what became a very public and embarrassing spat, a very distressing sign became evident.